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Narragansett 2100 Press Releases


2021 scholarship winner

Narragansett 2100, Inc., a non-profit organization of landlords with rental property in Narragansett and Narragansett property managers, has established a $1,000 scholarship for a URI student who resides in Narragansett.

“This scholarship is to honor Ray Kagels, founder and past president of Narragansett 2100, Inc. Ray loved the town of Narragansett and devoted much of his time volunteering in Narragansett. He worked hard in getting the various constituencies to work together to improve the quality of life in Narragansett. This annual scholarship is awarded to a URI student residing in Narragansett who exhibits a strong level of community service. Mackenzie exemplifies URI students who give back to their community.” Said George Nonis, president of Narragansett 2100, Inc. 

After reviewing over 60 scholarship applications from URI students, the Narragansett 2100 Scholarship Committee awarded the scholarship to Mackenzie Nigro, a URI graduate student with a 3.90 GPA in doctorate of pharmacy. In addition to her strong academic achievements, Mackenzie has an extensive list of volunteering. 

She volunteered for four years at Judy’s Kindness Kitchen, a soup kitchen at Crossroads R.I., and at Save the Bay and volunteered at the Breast Cancer Waterfire show. Mackenzie also volunteers at the Brightview Nursing Home in South Kingstown and the South Bay Nursing Home in South Kingstown where she assists in the “brown bag” program and the Rock Steady Gym, a program for people with Parkinson’s disease. She also is part of the Pathway to Medicine Mentorship program where she works with local high school minority students who are interested in a medicine/science career.      

The scholarship award was presented to Mackenzie by Ray Kagel’s wife, Joyce, his son Ray Jr. and Lisa Beth Sanford, board member of Narragansett 2100, Inc, and a member of the scholarship committee.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Joe Lembo, Board Member  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Landlord Resource
501 (c)(4) corporation


PO Box 3243
Narragansett, RI 02882

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